Gratis Why Does Asparagus Make Your Wee Smell?: And 57 other curious food and drink questions (English Edition) de Andy Brunning PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
Lee un libro Why Does Asparagus Make Your Wee Smell?: And 57 other curious food and drink questions (English Edition) de Andy Brunning Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Why Does Asparagus Make Your Wee Smell?: And 57 other curious food and drink questions (English Edition) Libro electronico gratuito
Why does cooking bacon smell so good? Can cheese really give you bad dreams? Why do onions make you cry? Find out the answers in this illustrated compendium of amazing and easy-to-understand chemistry. Featuring 58 different questions, you will discover all sorts of wonderful science that affects us on daily basis. Andy Brunning opens up the chemical world behind the sensations we experience through food and drink - popping candy, hangovers, spicy chillies and many more. Exploring the aromas, flavours and bodily reactions with beautiful infographics and explanations, WHY DOES ASPARAGUS MAKE YOUR WEE SMELL? is guaranteed to satisfy curious minds. And did you know that nutmeg can make you hallucinate? Prepare to be astounded by chemical breakdown like never before.
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