Descargar Chemistry Concepts Coloring Book de Lauren McCarthy PDF ePub

Gratis Chemistry Concepts Coloring Book de Lauren McCarthy PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Reseña del editor This chemistry coloring book offers a way to learn or reinforce some chemistry concepts in a creative way. Written and illustrated by an over 20-year (and counting!) high school chemistry teacher looking to make chemistry more understandable and fun for kids of all ages. Each coloring page is accompanied by a description and coloring instructions to make the chemistry concept easier to comprehend. An answer key is provided in the back of the book. Biografía del autor Lauren McCarthy is a high school chemistry teacher with over 20 years of classroom experience. After graduating with a BS in chemistry from Long Island University – Post and a MS in chemistry from the University of Maryland, she worked in the pharmaceutical and environmental fields. In 1996 she started teaching high school chemistry and hasn’t stopped. Learning and understanding chemistry comes as a challenge to most students which is why she loves teaching this subject so much! She also loves helping students learn how to improve their own learning. Through the years she has taught every level of high school chemistry including Advanced Placement chemistry typically offered in a high school. She has also taught high school physics. One of her hobbies outside the classroom is art. She loves to draw and paint. That’s where the idea to make her own chemistry coloring book was born. One of her other projects is her YouTube channel nychemcoach. She hopes you enjoy the book. You can contact her at

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